Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So far the bulk of what I'm writing about is food. What I ate, what I cooked, etc. And it occurred to me that my life is not so much that of a bachelor than a miser or a hermit. I seldom go out. If ever I do, it's to go to work or play poker. Pathetic.

So I resolve to try something new before 2008 ends. If not new, then at least something outside of my routine. I was thinking I need to date. I just realized that the last time I dated was around March, I think. Double pathetic.

All right. Just to state my personal goal. I will date someone who I haven't dated before before 2008 ends. Next question is who...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Buhay Binata

I've never like this blog's orginal name. This was previously named The Pasig bachelor which according to Chonx, blogger of Angst Saya, sounded like a porn star name. I just changed it to Buhay Binata. It's just a shame that was taken and I had to settle with I hate it when people register a blog name then forget about it. They don't even take the time to write one post. I have a lot of blogs but at least I continuously update them.

Anyway, Buhay Binata is Filipino for Life as a Bachelor. This is what this will all be about. I'm finding my way through life without a map.


I was at the barbershop today having a haircut. I was right beside the price list and saw that they offered a Boncilla. I've always been curious what a Boncilla was, so I asked the barber. He said that it was some sort of facial with a mask that clears black heads and impurities. Out of curiousity and a little vanity, I decided to try it.

After the haircut, he proceeded with giving me the Boncilla treatment. Now as I was on the receiving end of everything, I can only account for what I thought he was doing. I never actually saw anything. He started with applying some sort of gel while massaging my whole face with it. Then he used what felt like a small metal stick to clear some white heads near my nose. Then he shaved my face. It didn't feel like he used a razor. I don't know what he used. After that, he applied some thick sort of cream which felt and smelled like honey. He cleaned it off then applied a sort of mask. This mask is what may be the actual Boncilla. I never bothered to ask. He let it dry until it an be peeled off. The peeled mask left a fresh feeling on my face. It felt like my face is now able to breathe after years of being trapped. Much like the first time I tried St. Ives Apricot Scrub. Then he cleaned my face again with a sort of astringent.

Around 20 minutes after my haircut, everything was finished. I looked in the mirror and my skin looked radiant. It felt clean. I'm going to need to have a Boncilla regularly.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Steak Day

Today I had a steak and about 4 cups of rice. It was heaven. I've always been a meat-eater and a steak is the best way to start my day. Though I haven't grilled a steak before, I think I did pretty well. It was just right. It wasn't too raw, nor was it burnt. I wish I had some steak sauce though.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Moving Boxes

We moved in last Sept 18, 2008. And until now, I haven't unpacked the last moving box. It contains some magazines, books, blankets, all pretty miscellaneous. I've gotten used to it that I've even entertained people there. I really have to unpack my stuff soon. My target date is before Christmas.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Living out of Take Out

From July 2005 to Sept 2008, I've lived in a studio condominium unit alone. It posed as a challenge to prepare my own food as it really wasn't worth the effort to cook for one then clean up after. This is besides the fact that I didn't own a stove, cookware and refrigerator. I basically lived off take out food to get by.

It was convenient but to say that my diet was unhealthy was an understatement. It was all processed foods.

Recently, I moved into a bigger condominium unit in Pasig. I now have a roommate who by chance have the cooking things I lacked. It was easier to cook my own food and it was worth the effort. And we can keep leftovers in the refrigerator. Now, only half of my diet is taken out from restaurants. Now I have a choice to eat healthier. I just need to learn how.

Sniff sniff...

Being sick sucks. Being sick with no one to take care of you sucks more. I have cough and colds and I'm feverish. And I only have my roommate with me. It's gonna be weird for a guy to take care of another guy. We definitely need a new girl neighbor.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Late Breakfast

It's 2pm and I've just finished cooking breakfast. I woke up early but the internet made time fly. I wouldn't have started cooking if not for my stomach grumbling.

I cooked some bacon and some fried rice. I make the best fried rice. It's the probably the only food I'm proud of cooking. It's not too dry and not too wet. It really depends on the way the rice was cooked and how it was kept after. You can't cook fried rice right after it was cooked else it'll be different. Then there has to be the right amount of garlic and salt. Just garlic and salt and it'll turn out fine. Every now and then I throw in some onions but that's just for special occasions.

It looks delicious doesn't it? It took me around 30 minutes to prepare everything and 10 minutes to eat everthing on the plate.

The Pasig Bachelor

I've been living alone since 2005 and I've learned a lot about life and living. It's now time to share these experiences with the public and hopefully, at least one person will commit less mistakes than I did.

After several failed registrations of Google-friendly and better-sounding blog titles, I was forced to settle with The Pasig Bachelor. I hope you come back soon.