Thursday, April 9, 2009


A few years ago, I enrolled in a gym. After a month, I caught colds. I never returned to the gym after that. A few months after, I bought a pair of dumbbells. They're used more as a door stopper, make-shift hammer and conversation piece than what they're supposed to.

Recently (read: yesterday), I started using them again. This time it's more for exercise than trying to be the next Chippendale dancer. I've realized that my unhealthy lifestyle is going to take its toll sooner or later and I might as well try to delay it. I mean, I'm not getting any younger.

Here's my program so far.
Day 1 - Dumbbell Military Press (3 sets/12 reps)
Day 2 - Seated Dumbbell Curl (3 sets/12 reps)
Day 3 - Crunches (3 sets/25 reps) and Dumbell Shrug (3 sets/12 reps)
Day 4 - Dumbbell Upright Row (3 sets/12 reps)
Day 5 - Dumbbell Deadlift (3 sets/12 reps)

I didn't want to over-exert myself and these are a lot in my standards.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Di Na Siya Puti

I made separate blog for my paintings. Di Na Siya Puti.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fine Arts

Today is also extra special because I made my first painting. It's a painting of the Philippine flag and it was done with acrylic paint on canvas. I only bought the primary colors and a painting of the Philippine flag sounded like a logical idea. My painting looked amateurish but I'm happy with it. I'll create another blog soon to display all my paintings.

DIY Haircut

Today was quite different from the everyday routine I have. I bought a home shaving kit from a friend and I decided to give it a try. I've had my hair shaved for years and I thought I would save a lot of money by investing in a shaver.

It was harder than I thought it would be. It took me almost an hour and it's not as neat as I imagined it. But it's good enough for me. I'm quite proud to have shaved my own head. Bad news is that after a few weeks, it'll be part of my routine and I'll be back to doing the same things over and over again.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Rut

I'm beginning to think this blog was a bad idea. Nothing happens to my life. Everything's the same day in and day out.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Eve

It's Valentine's Eve and all I have planned is to have a massage and ventosa service at home. Yipee. It's not so much bachelorish by my back hurts like hell and I would really love to get this stiffness out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


After more than a month at my parents' house, I'm now back at the condo. It's feels so good to be back home. My roommates bought a table. Gone are the days when we have to eat on monobloc chairs which serve as tables. Aside from that, everything looks the same.